Adopting a Child or Using a Surrogate Mother: What to Choose?

Can’t you have a baby on your own? But you can adopt him or use the services of a surrogate mother! Surrogacy center Ukraine will help you choose a surrogate mother.

Every year more and more married couples are diagnosed with infertility. For many, this is a terrible blow, because most men and women cannot imagine life without children. What to do in such a situation? There are several options that will help you still become a parent: you can adopt a child or use the services of a surrogate mother.

But which option is better? To make a choice, you need to take a closer look at each of them.

Services of a Surrogate Mother

If you choose the use of reproductive technology called surrogacy, then your genetically own child may be born, which is simply carried out by a surrogate mother. This is the main plus of surrogacy compared to adoption.

A child can be 100% genetically yours if the sperm and ovum of a man and a woman from a married couple are used to conceive. If in your situation the woman’s eggs or husband’s sperm are not suitable for fertilization, then you will be offered donor eggs or sperm. But even if the genetic material of only one of the parents is used, the child will still be 50% genetically yours.

surrogacy in Ukraine

Ethical surrogacy in Ukraine clinics that offer surrogacy and other assisted reproductive services to overcome the infertility diagnosis. So, in the Surrogacy Centres Ukraine, full-fledged diagnostics of married couples is carried out, egg donors or donor sperm are offered, there is a large base of surrogate mothers. Moreover, despite the fact that another woman will carry your child, you will not remain an outside observer. You will be able to closely monitor the course of pregnancy and the development of your baby, be present at childbirth – of course, if you yourself want it.

The use of a surrogate mother implies the fertilization of an egg in a test tube. This means that you can take advantage of additional services, such as the choice of the sex of the child and the choice of a healthy embryo without gene mutations. This is a unique opportunity, because in this case you plan in advance whether a boy or a girl will be born to you, and your child will be born absolutely healthy without hereditary diseases!

Another plus in favour of surrogacy from Become Parents surrogacy centre is the ability to get full legal support. In clinics with a good reputation that offer reproductive services, everything must be formalized legally in accordance with legislative norms.

The surrogate mothers in Become Parents clinic must undergo a special data check in a detective agency, a two-time medical examination, an interview with a psychologist, which means that you will have no doubts about the authenticity of her documents, mental and somatic health.

The Pitfalls of Adoption

Of course, adoption of a child is a very noble act that can make the world a little better, and a childless couple and a single baby can become a happy family. Unfortunately, adoption has its own challenges.

Today, the demand for adoption exceeds the supply dozens of times. Those who want to adopt a child will have to wait in line for adoption until they are 4-5 years old.

So: both adoption and surrogacy have pros and cons. Any of these options will help you fulfill your dream of becoming a parent! Which option to choose is up to you. Weigh all the pros and cons, ask your heart and take a step towards your dreams!

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