Why it is important to understand the benefits surrogacy can bring?

Women who cannot conceive a child naturally are increasingly resorting to IVF, egg donation or surrogacy.

The choice of treatment method is carried out strictly according to the indications. Namely, on the basis of the examination data, the doctor will give an objective assessment of the work of your reproductive organs and choose the most optimal method of treatment. The clinic, become parents, has already helped thousands of couples to become happy parents.

What to prefer: IVF or surrogacy method?

The greatest joy in a woman’s life is motherhood. A dear and beloved baby is not only our most important concern and greatest happiness, but also the meaning of all human life.

But, unfortunately, not all women can have children: many suffer from various gynaecological diseases. Heredity, poor environmental conditions, constant stressful situations at work and other factors often lead to the inability to get pregnant. In addition, problems with conceiving a baby can be associated with a man’s ill health. Male infertility is not much less common than female infertility.

Fortunately, science does not stand still. The most popular methods today that allow infertile couples to become parents are IVF (in vitro fertilization), oocyte donation and surrogacy in Colombia.

The psychological aspect of surrogacy

When discussing the topic of surrogacy, one cannot but touch upon the psychological problems that will accompany a family who has chosen this method of becoming parents. Why?

Given the many series about how a surrogate mother fled with a genetically alien child, how she did not give the child after giving birth, how the surrogate mother decided to marry the husband of the genetic mother, etc., future genetic parents worry in advance whether it will happen with them such a situation? What will the relatives say? What will the neighbours on the staircase say?

Use surrogacy treatment Colombia or be left without a child? This is a more important question. The rest of the questions are more solvable, you can explain to relatives about your decision, you can simulate pregnancy. Corrosive neighbours? Are they very interested in your personal life? You can change the apartment. There is always a solution!

Surrogate mothers- who are they?

There are medical requirements for surrogate mothers. There are several reasons to become a surrogate mother:

  • An opportunity to earn money for your family,
  • To help someone
  • From ethical motives.

Any woman who is ready to become a surrogate mother deserves respect, it is she who helps the family find the happiness of becoming parents and having their own children.

Adapting to your needs

With the help of its expert team, Become Parents, the best surrogacy clinic Colombia, is able to offer suitable options for all future parents. This clinic assist in the selection of an egg donor or surrogate mother and provide medical assistance as well as legal support to help you find the right insurance for your surrogate mother.

What then is included in the trip? In what order does everything happen? Every trip is different. Its content varies according to the needs of future parents. Some need a donor, while others use their own eggs.

Contact becomeparents.com if you would like to make an appointment in person and discuss your options.

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